Dragon lotus (Draconia nucifera)

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  1. after enterning the urethra the thorn expands slightly to ensure it is loged in place. Then the bladder tendrel works it's way to the entrence of the blader where the top bulge is pushed into the blatter and both of the bulbs inflate wiht fluid blocking anything flowing in or out of the blatter. As the rest of the prosses happens this tendreal will absorb any urin as a a good source of nitrate for the plant given the nitrogen defishent envirments they tend to inhabit.
  2. Durnig the next stage the plant will start pumping primer into the reproductive tract. Primer is a fluid with the consistncy of semin that contans a chemical coctail that increses elasisticty of flesh as well as inhibiting pain and increasing regentrtive proprties. The plant will continue to pump till the pipeing and testies can hold no more. At this stage the testies usualy swell to around 1.5x orignal size. Then the plant will remove all the primer form the system, wat for around 1-2 min then refill the reproductive tract with fresh primer. This cycle will repeat untill the testies are around 4 times the orignal size. After the last cycle no more primer will be pushed in.
  3. At this point the tendrals will work their way through the urethra, prostate, ventus ductus and into the base of the testies. *Subjects report this fealing as being quite unconfrtable but not painful*. Once seated at the entrence to the the testies the tendreals pump about 4 table spoons each of generator, a watery mix that that boosts spearm production.
  4. At this point the seed pod releaces seeds based on the space avalable, each about one micron in dimater where they get deposited into the host's testies. Once there they absorb sperm and over the next 5-7 days grow to the size of a grain of rice. Once at this size they spend the next 4-5 days building a gelatnous coating that will end up being about the size of a marble, This stage is when the most groth of the testies will be observed upto the aformentioned 4 times base size. See size chart for avarage amount for diffrent hosts.

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